Quick Start Guide#

This guide will help you get started with the basics of using the pyseldonlib package.



import pyseldonlib


This will run the simulation as per the configuration file and save the output files in the specified directory.

Configuration TOML file Format#

model = "DeGroot"
rng_seed = 120

n_output_network = 20
n_output_agents = 1
print_progress = false
output_initial = true
start_output = 1
start_numbering_from = 0

max_iterations = 20

convergence = 1e-3

number_of_agents = 300
connections_per_agent = 10


  • [simulation] - model: The model to run. Options are DeGroot, Deffuant, ActivityDriven, ActivityDrivenInertial. - rng_seed: Seed for random number generation. If left empty, a random seed is used.

  • [io] - n_output_network: Number of iterations between writing network files. - n_output_agents: Number of iterations between writing agent opinion files. - print_progress: Whether to print the iteration time. Default is false. - output_initial: Whether to print the initial opinions and network file from step 0. Default is true. - start_output: Iteration number from which to start writing outputs. - start_numbering_from: Initial step number before the simulation starts. Default is 0.

  • [model] - max_iterations: Maximum number of iterations. If not set, the maximum is infinite.

  • [DeGroot] - convergence: Convergence threshold for the DeGroot model.

  • [network] - number_of_agents: Number of agents in the network. - connections_per_agent: Number of connections each agent has.