Quick Start Guide ================= This guide will help you get started with the basics of using the `pyseldonlib` package. Installation ------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: install Usage ----- .. code-block:: python import pyseldonlib pyseldonlib.run_simulation_from_config_file( config_file_path="path/to/config.toml", agent_file_path="path/to/agent.csv", network_file_path="path/to/network.csv", output_dir_path="path/to/output" ) This will run the simulation as per the configuration file and save the output files in the specified directory. Configuration TOML file Format ------------------------------ .. code-block:: toml [simulation] model = "DeGroot" rng_seed = 120 [io] n_output_network = 20 n_output_agents = 1 print_progress = false output_initial = true start_output = 1 start_numbering_from = 0 [model] max_iterations = 20 [DeGroot] convergence = 1e-3 [network] number_of_agents = 300 connections_per_agent = 10 Specifications -------------- - **[simulation]** - `model`: The model to run. Options are DeGroot, Deffuant, ActivityDriven, ActivityDrivenInertial. - `rng_seed`: Seed for random number generation. If left empty, a random seed is used. - **[io]** - `n_output_network`: Number of iterations between writing network files. - `n_output_agents`: Number of iterations between writing agent opinion files. - `print_progress`: Whether to print the iteration time. Default is false. - `output_initial`: Whether to print the initial opinions and network file from step 0. Default is true. - `start_output`: Iteration number from which to start writing outputs. - `start_numbering_from`: Initial step number before the simulation starts. Default is 0. - **[model]** - `max_iterations`: Maximum number of iterations. If not set, the maximum is infinite. - **[DeGroot]** - `convergence`: Convergence threshold for the DeGroot model. - **[network]** - `number_of_agents`: Number of agents in the network. - `connections_per_agent`: Number of connections each agent has.