hari_plotter.dynamics module

class hari_plotter.dynamics.Dynamics[source]

Bases: object

HariDynamics manages a list of LazyHariGraph objects that represent HariGraph instances.

This class facilitates the batch processing of multiple LazyHariGraph instances. It allows for reading multiple networks and opinions, and provides a unified interface to access and manipulate each LazyHariGraph.


A list of LazyHariGraph objects.




A list where each element is a list of indices representing a group.




Returns indices of initialized LazyHariGraph instances.


Resets clustering for all LazyHariGraph instances.


Reads network and opinion files to create and add LazyHariGraph objects.


Allows indexing to access individual LazyHariGraph instances.


Allows iteration over LazyHariGraph instances.


Allows dynamic attribute access, attempting to get the attribute from LazyHariGraph instances.


Any attribute that isn’t directly found on a HariDynamics object will attempt to be retrieved from its LazyHariGraph objects. If the attribute is callable, a function will be returned that when called, will apply the method on all LazyHariGraph instances. If the attribute is not callable, a list of its values from all LazyHariGraph instances will be returned.

get_grouped_graphs() list[list[LazyGraph]][source]

Retrieves grouped LazyHariGraph objects based on the indices in self.groups.


list of lists where each sublist contains LazyHariGraph objects.

Return type:


group(num_intervals: int, interval_size: int = 1, offset: int = 0)[source]

Groups indices of LazyHariGraphs objects based on provided intervals, interval size, and an offset. Indices might show up multiple times or might never show up, depending on the parameters.

  • num_intervals (int) – The number of intervals.

  • interval_size (int) – The size of each interval.

  • offset (int) – Starting offset for the grouping.

property initialized: list[int]

list of indices of initialized LazyHariGraph instances.

Iterates over each LazyHariGraph in the list lazy_hari_graphs and checks if it’s initialized. Returns a list containing the indices of all the LazyHariGraphs that are initialized.


Indices of all initialized LazyHariGraph instances.

Return type:


merge_nodes_by_index(index: int)[source]

Merges nodes in each LazyHariGraph based on the cluster mapping of the graph at the provided index. The graph at the provided index is skipped during merging.


index (int) – The index of the LazyHariGraph whose cluster mapping should be used for merging nodes.

merge_nodes_by_mapping(mapping: tuple[int])[source]

Merge nodes in each LazyHariGraph based on the provided mapping. If a graph was already initialized, uninitialize it first.


mapping (tuple[int]) – A dictionary representing how nodes should be merged.

classmethod read_json(json_files: str | list[str], load_request: dict[str, Any] = {}) Dynamics[source]

Reads a list of network files and a list of opinion files to create LazyHariGraph objects and appends them to the lazy_hari_graphs list of a HariDynamics instance.

  • network_files (Union[str, list[str]]) – Either a single path or a list of paths to the network files.

  • opinion_files (list[str]) – A list of paths to the opinion files.


An instance of HariDynamics with lazy_hari_graphs populated.

Return type:



ValueError – If the length of network_files is not equal to the length of opinion_files or other invalid cases.

classmethod read_network(network_files: str | list[str], opinion_files: list[str], load_request: dict[str, Any] = {}) Dynamics[source]

Reads a list of network files and a list of opinion files to create LazyHariGraph objects and appends them to the lazy_hari_graphs list of a HariDynamics instance.

  • network_files (Union[str, list[str]]) – Either a single path or a list of paths to the network files.

  • opinion_files (list[str]) – A list of paths to the opinion files.


An instance of HariDynamics with lazy_hari_graphs populated.

Return type:



ValueError – If the length of network_files is not equal to the length of opinion_files or other invalid cases.


Resets the clustering and uninitializes all LazyHariGraph instances.

For each LazyHariGraph in lazy_hari_graphs, resets its clustering by setting its mapping to None and then uninitializes the graph.