Source code for hari_plotter.dynamics

from __future__ import annotations

import math
from typing import Any, Union

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from .graph import Graph
from .lazy_graph import LazyGraph

[docs] class Dynamics: """ HariDynamics manages a list of LazyHariGraph objects that represent HariGraph instances. This class facilitates the batch processing of multiple LazyHariGraph instances. It allows for reading multiple networks and opinions, and provides a unified interface to access and manipulate each LazyHariGraph. Attributes: lazy_hari_graphs (list[LazyHariGraph]): A list of LazyHariGraph objects. groups (list[list[int]]): A list where each element is a list of indices representing a group. Methods: initialized: Returns indices of initialized LazyHariGraph instances. uncluster: Resets clustering for all LazyHariGraph instances. read_network: Reads network and opinion files to create and add LazyHariGraph objects. __getitem__: Allows indexing to access individual LazyHariGraph instances. __iter__: Allows iteration over LazyHariGraph instances. __getattr__: Allows dynamic attribute access, attempting to get the attribute from LazyHariGraph instances. Note: Any attribute that isn't directly found on a HariDynamics object will attempt to be retrieved from its LazyHariGraph objects. If the attribute is callable, a function will be returned that when called, will apply the method on all LazyHariGraph instances. If the attribute is not callable, a list of its values from all LazyHariGraph instances will be returned. """ def __init__(self): self.lazy_hari_graphs: list[LazyGraph] = [] self.groups: list[list[int]] = [] @property def initialized(self) -> list[int]: """ list of indices of initialized LazyHariGraph instances. Iterates over each LazyHariGraph in the list `lazy_hari_graphs` and checks if it's initialized. Returns a list containing the indices of all the LazyHariGraphs that are initialized. Returns: list[int]: Indices of all initialized LazyHariGraph instances. """ return [index for index, graph in enumerate(self.lazy_hari_graphs) if graph.is_initialized]
[docs] def uncluster(self): """ Resets the clustering and uninitializes all LazyHariGraph instances. For each LazyHariGraph in `lazy_hari_graphs`, resets its clustering by setting its mapping to None and then uninitializes the graph. """ for graph in self.lazy_hari_graphs: graph.mapping = None graph.uninitialize()
[docs] @classmethod def read_network(cls, network_files: Union[str, list[str]], opinion_files: list[str], load_request: dict[str, Any] = {}) -> Dynamics: """ Reads a list of network files and a list of opinion files to create LazyHariGraph objects and appends them to the lazy_hari_graphs list of a HariDynamics instance. Parameters: network_files (Union[str, list[str]]): Either a single path or a list of paths to the network files. opinion_files (list[str]): A list of paths to the opinion files. Returns: HariDynamics: An instance of HariDynamics with lazy_hari_graphs populated. Raises: ValueError: If the length of network_files is not equal to the length of opinion_files or other invalid cases. """ # If network_files is a string, convert it to a list if isinstance(network_files, str): network_files = [network_files] if len(network_files) == 1: network_files = network_files * len(opinion_files) if len(network_files) != len(opinion_files): raise ValueError( "The number of network files must be equal to the number of opinion files.") # Create an instance of HariDynamics dynamics_instance = cls() dynamics_instance.groups = [] # Initialize groups list for idx, (network_file, opinion_file) in enumerate( zip(network_files, opinion_files)): # Append LazyHariGraph objects to the list, with the class method and parameters needed # to create the actual HariGraph instances when they are required. dynamics_instance.lazy_hari_graphs.append( LazyGraph(Graph.read_network, network_file, opinion_file, **load_request) ) dynamics_instance.groups.append([idx]) return dynamics_instance
[docs] @classmethod def read_json(cls, json_files: Union[str, list[str]], load_request: dict[str, Any] = {}) -> Dynamics: """ Reads a list of network files and a list of opinion files to create LazyHariGraph objects and appends them to the lazy_hari_graphs list of a HariDynamics instance. Parameters: network_files (Union[str, list[str]]): Either a single path or a list of paths to the network files. opinion_files (list[str]): A list of paths to the opinion files. Returns: HariDynamics: An instance of HariDynamics with lazy_hari_graphs populated. Raises: ValueError: If the length of network_files is not equal to the length of opinion_files or other invalid cases. """ # If json_files is a string, convert it to a list if isinstance(json_files, str): json_files = [json_files] # Create an instance of HariDynamics dynamics_instance = cls() dynamics_instance.groups = [] # Initialize groups list for idx, json_file in enumerate(json_files): # Append LazyHariGraph objects to the list, with the class method and parameters needed # to create the actual HariGraph instances when they are required. dynamics_instance.lazy_hari_graphs.append( LazyGraph(Graph.read_json, json_file, **load_request) ) dynamics_instance.groups.append([idx]) return dynamics_instance
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index): # Handle slices if isinstance(index, slice): return [self.lazy_hari_graphs[i] for i in range(*index.indices(len(self.lazy_hari_graphs)))] # Handle lists of integers elif isinstance(index, list): # Ensure all elements in the list are integers if not all(isinstance(i, int) for i in index): raise TypeError("All indices must be integers") return [self.lazy_hari_graphs[i] for i in index] # Handle single integer elif isinstance(index, int): if index < 0: # Adjust the index for negative values index += len(self.lazy_hari_graphs) if index < 0 or index >= len(self.lazy_hari_graphs): raise IndexError( "Index out of range of available LazyHariGraph objects.") return self.lazy_hari_graphs[index] else: raise TypeError( "Invalid index type. Must be an integer, slice, or list of integers.")
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> LazyGraph: return iter(self.lazy_hari_graphs)
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> list: """ Retrieve an attribute from the LazyHariGraph instances in the list. If the desired attribute exists on the first LazyHariGraph in `lazy_hari_graphs`, it's assumed to exist on all instances in the list. If the attribute is callable, this method returns a function that invokes the callable attribute on all LazyHariGraph instances and returns the results as a list. If the attribute is not callable, this method returns a list of the attribute's values from all LazyHariGraph instances. If the attribute does not exist on any LazyHariGraph instance, an AttributeError is raised. Parameters: name (str): Name of the desired attribute. Returns: list: A list of attribute values or function results for all LazyHariGraph instances, depending on the nature of the attribute. Raises: AttributeError: If the specified attribute doesn't exist on the LazyHariGraph instances. """ if self.lazy_hari_graphs: try: attr = getattr(self.lazy_hari_graphs[0], name) except AttributeError: pass # Handle below else: if callable(attr): # If the attribute is callable, return a function that # calls it on all HariGraph instances. def forwarded(*args, **kwargs): return [getattr(lazy_graph, name)(*args, **kwargs) for lazy_graph in self.lazy_hari_graphs] return forwarded else: # If the attribute is not callable, return a list of its # values from all HariGraph instances. return [getattr(lazy_graph, name) for lazy_graph in self.lazy_hari_graphs] # If the attribute does not exist on HariGraph instances, raise an # AttributeError. raise AttributeError( f"'HariDynamics' object and its 'HariGraph' instances have no attribute '{name}'")
[docs] def group(self, num_intervals: int, interval_size: int = 1, offset: int = 0): """ Groups indices of LazyHariGraphs objects based on provided intervals, interval size, and an offset. Indices might show up multiple times or might never show up, depending on the parameters. Parameters: num_intervals (int): The number of intervals. interval_size (int): The size of each interval. offset (int): Starting offset for the grouping. """ self.groups.clear() # Clear the previous grouping total_length = len(self.lazy_hari_graphs) # Calculate the stride between each interval's starting index so they # are evenly spread if num_intervals == 1: stride = 0 else: stride = (total_length - offset - interval_size) // (num_intervals - 1) for i in range(num_intervals): start_index = offset + i * stride end_index = start_index + interval_size # Append the range of indices as a sublist, but ensure they stay # within the valid range self.groups.append( list(range(start_index, min(end_index, total_length))))
[docs] def get_grouped_graphs(self) -> list[list[LazyGraph]]: """ Retrieves grouped LazyHariGraph objects based on the indices in self.groups. Returns: list[list[LazyHariGraph]]: list of lists where each sublist contains LazyHariGraph objects. """ return [[self.lazy_hari_graphs[i] for i in group_indices] for group_indices in self.groups]
[docs] def merge_nodes_by_mapping(self, mapping: tuple[int]): """ Merge nodes in each LazyHariGraph based on the provided mapping. If a graph was already initialized, uninitialize it first. Parameters: mapping (tuple[int]): A dictionary representing how nodes should be merged. """ for lazy_graph in self.lazy_hari_graphs: lazy_graph.mapping = mapping
[docs] def merge_nodes_by_index(self, index: int): """ Merges nodes in each LazyHariGraph based on the cluster mapping of the graph at the provided index. The graph at the provided index is skipped during merging. Parameters: index (int): The index of the LazyHariGraph whose cluster mapping should be used for merging nodes. """ if index < 0: # Adjust the index for negative values index += len(self.lazy_hari_graphs) if index < 0 or index >= len(self.lazy_hari_graphs): raise IndexError( "Index out of range of available LazyHariGraph objects.") target_lazy_graph = self.lazy_hari_graphs[index] # Initialize the target graph if not already initialized to access its # get_cluster_mapping method if not target_lazy_graph.is_initialized: target_lazy_graph._initialize() # Initialize the target graph mapping = target_lazy_graph.get_cluster_mapping() self.merge_nodes_by_mapping(mapping)
[docs] def plot_initialized(self): initialized = np.array( [lazy_graph.is_initialized for lazy_graph in self.lazy_hari_graphs]) # Find the appropriate power of 10 for the last axis dimension sqrt_length = math.sqrt(len(initialized)) last_axis_size = max( 10 ** int(math.floor(math.log10(sqrt_length))), 10) # Calculate the size of the other dimension other_axis_size = int(np.ceil(len(initialized) / last_axis_size)) # Pad the array if necessary to fit the new shape, using NaN for padding padded_length = other_axis_size * last_axis_size padded_initialized = np.full(padded_length, np.nan) padded_initialized[:len(initialized)] = initialized # Reshape to 2D array initialized_2d = padded_initialized.reshape( (other_axis_size, last_axis_size)) # Determine the label format based on the last axis size x_label_digits = int(math.log10(last_axis_size)) y_label_digits = int(math.log10(padded_length // last_axis_size)) # Plotting with imshow plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) plt.imshow(initialized_2d, cmap='viridis', interpolation='nearest') plt.colorbar(label='Initialized (False=0, True=1, NaN=Padding)') plt.title('Initialization Status of Lazy Hari Graphs') plt.xlabel(f'Last {x_label_digits} Digits of Graph ID') plt.ylabel(f'Graph ID without Last {x_label_digits} Digits') # Ensure axis labels are integers plt.xticks(ticks=np.arange(0, last_axis_size, max(1, last_axis_size // 10)), labels=np.arange(0, last_axis_size, max(1, last_axis_size // 10))) plt.yticks(ticks=np.arange(0, other_axis_size, max(1, other_axis_size // 10)), labels=np.arange(0, other_axis_size, max(1, other_axis_size // 10)))
def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.lazy_hari_graphs) def __str__(self): initialized_count = sum( 1 for lazy_graph in self.lazy_hari_graphs if lazy_graph.is_initialized) total_count = len(self.lazy_hari_graphs) return f"<HariDynamics object with {total_count} LazyHariGraphs ({initialized_count} initialized)>"