Source code for hari_plotter.simulation

import __future__

import copy
import os
import pathlib
import re
import subprocess
from typing import Any, Optional, Union

import toml

from .dynamics import Dynamics
from .graph import Graph
from .lazy_graph import LazyGraph
from .model import Model, ModelFactory

[docs] class Simulation: """ A class representing a simulation. Provides methods for initializing from TOML configurations and directories. """ def __init__(self, model: Model, parameters: dict[str, Any], dynamics: Optional[Dynamics | None] = None,): """ Initialize a Simulation instance. Parameters: model: A Model instance used in the simulation. network: Network configuration for the simulation. max_iterations: Maximum number of iterations for the simulation. dynamics: HariDynamics instance used for the simulation. Default is None. rng_seed: Seed for random number generation. Default is None. """ self.model: Model = model self.parameters: dict[str, Any] = parameters self.dynamics: Dynamics | None = dynamics
[docs] def run(self, path_to_seldon, directory, n_output_network: int | None = None, n_output_agents: int | None = None, start_numbering_from: int | None = None, start_from: int | None = None, print_progress: bool | None = None) -> bool: """ Run the simulation. if start_from is integer, it takes the start_from image from the dynamics as the initial_guess for the simulation. """ updates = {} if n_output_network is not None: if 'io' not in updates: updates['io'] = {} updates['io']['n_output_network'] = n_output_network if n_output_agents is not None: if 'io' not in updates: updates['io'] = {} updates['io']['n_output_agents'] = n_output_agents if start_numbering_from is not None: if 'io' not in updates: updates['io'] = {} updates['io']['start_numbering_from'] = start_numbering_from if print_progress is not None: if 'io' not in updates: updates['io'] = {} updates['io']['print_progress'] = print_progress try: path_to_executable = pathlib.Path(path_to_seldon) / 'build/seldon' directory = pathlib.Path(directory) directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.to_toml(str(directory / "conf.toml"), updates=updates) initial_setup = () if start_from is not None: final_state: Graph = self.dynamics[start_from].get_graph() network_file_name = str(directory/'network.txt') opinion_file_name = str(directory/'opinion.txt') final_state.write_network(network_file_name, opinion_file_name) initial_setup = ('-n', network_file_name, '-a', opinion_file_name) result =[str(path_to_executable), str(directory / "conf.toml"), '-o', str(directory), *initial_setup, ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True) # Output handling stdout_output = result.stdout.decode() stderr_output = result.stderr.decode() if stdout_output: print(f'Standard Output:\n{stdout_output}') if stderr_output: print(f'Standard Error:\n{stderr_output}') return False # Assuming any stderr output indicates a failure return True # Success if no stderr output except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # If fails, print the error and return False print(f'An error occurred while running the simulation: {e}') print(f'Standard Output:\n{e.stdout.decode()}') print(f'Standard Error:\n{e.stderr.decode()}') return False
[docs] @classmethod def from_toml(cls, filename: str) -> 'Simulation': """ Load simulation parameters from a TOML file and instantiate a Simulation instance. Parameters: filename: Path to the TOML file containing simulation configuration. Returns: Instance of Simulation based on the TOML file. """ data = toml.load(filename) model_type = data.get("simulation", {}).get("model") if not model_type: raise ValueError( "Invalid TOML format for Simulation initialization.") model_params = data.get(model_type, {}) model = ModelFactory.create_model(model_type, model_params) # Checking if the required keys are present in the data if not model: raise ValueError( "Invalid TOML format for Simulation initialization.") data.pop(model_type) data["simulation"].pop("model") return cls(model=model, parameters=data, dynamics=None)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dir(cls, datadir: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> 'Simulation': """ Load simulation parameters from a directory containing configuration and data. Parameters: datadir: Path to the directory containing simulation data and configuration. Returns: Instance of Simulation based on the data in the directory. """ datadir = pathlib.Path(datadir) data = toml.load(str(datadir / 'conf.toml')) model_type = data.get("simulation", {}).get("model") if not model_type: raise ValueError( "Invalid TOML format for Simulation initialization.") model_params = data.get(model_type, {}) model = ModelFactory.create_model(model_type, model_params) # Checking if the required keys are present in the data if not model: raise ValueError( "Invalid TOML format for Simulation initialization.") data.pop(model_type) data["simulation"].pop("model") load_request = model.load_request # Checking if the required keys are present in the data if not model: raise ValueError( "Invalid TOML format for Simulation initialization.") n_max = max([int('opinions_(\d+).txt', f).group(1)) for f in os.listdir(datadir) if'opinions_\d+.txt', f)]) opinion = [str(datadir / f'opinions_{i}.txt') for i in range(n_max + 1)] single_network_file = datadir / 'network.txt' if single_network_file.exists(): # If the single 'network.txt' file exists, use it. network = [str(single_network_file)] else: network = [str(datadir / f'network_{i}.txt') for i in range(n_max + 1)] HD = Dynamics.read_network(network, opinion, load_request=load_request) return cls(model=model, parameters=data, dynamics=HD)
[docs] def parameters_with_model(self, updates: dict | None = None): """ Return a dictionary containing the model parameters and simulation parameters. """ # Make a deep copy of self.parameters data = copy.deepcopy(self.parameters) model_type = self.model.model_type # Ensure the 'simulation' key exists in the dictionary if 'simulation' not in data: data['simulation'] = {} data["simulation"]['model'] = model_type data[model_type] = self.model.params data = Simulation.update_nested_dict(data, updates) return data
[docs] def to_toml(self, filename: str, updates: dict | None = None) -> None: """ Serialize the Simulation instance to a TOML file. Parameters: filename: Path to the TOML file where the simulation configuration will be saved. """ data = self.parameters_with_model(updates=updates) with open(filename, 'w') as f: toml.dump(data, f)
[docs] def group(self, num_intervals: int, interval_size: int = 1, offset: int = 0):, interval_size, offset)
@property def dt(self): return self.model.dt def __len__(self) -> int: if self.dynamics: return len(self.dynamics) return 0 def __getitem__(self, index) -> LazyGraph: return self.dynamics[index] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Return a string representation of the Simulation instance. Returns: String representation of the Simulation. """ return f"Simulation(model={self.model}, parameters={self.parameters}, dynamics={self.dynamics})" def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return a fancy string representation of the Simulation instance. Returns: Fancy string representation of the Simulation. """ data = self.parameters_with_model() model_str = f"Model:\n Type: {self.model.model_type} ({type(self.model).__name__})\n Parameters: {self.model.params}" # Create a new dictionary that merges self.parameters and {'model': self.model.model_type} parameters_str = "Parameters:\n" + \ "\n".join([f" {k}: {v}" for k, v in data.items()]) dynamics_str = f"Dynamics: {self.dynamics if self.dynamics is not None else 'Not specified'}" return f"Simulation Instance\n-------------------\n{model_str}\n\n{parameters_str}\n\n{dynamics_str}"
[docs] @staticmethod def update_nested_dict(original: dict, updates: dict | None): """ Recursively update the dictionary 'original' with values from 'updates'. If a key in 'updates' refers to a dictionary, dive deeper. Otherwise, simply update the value. """ if updates: for key, value in updates.items(): if isinstance(value, dict) and key in original: original[key] = Simulation.update_nested_dict( original.get(key, {}), value) else: original[key] = value return original