Source code for hari_plotter.plot

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC
from typing import Any, Optional, Sequence

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap

from .cluster import Clustering, ParameterBasedClustering
from .color_scheme import ColorScheme
from .interface import Interface
from .parameters import (BoolParameter, NoneRangeParameter, Parameter,
from .plotter import Plotter

[docs] class Plot(ABC): def __init__(self): self.interface: Interface self.color_scheme: ColorScheme self.parameters: tuple[str] self.scale: tuple[str] self.show_x_label: bool self.show_y_label: bool self._x_lim: Sequence[float] | None self._y_lim: Sequence[float] | None
[docs] @staticmethod def settings(interface: Interface): return []
[docs] @classmethod def from_qt(cls, qt_settings: dict): return cls(**qt_settings)
def _parse_axis_limit_reference(self, reference_str): """ Parse the axis limit reference string. Args: reference_str (str): The reference string (e.g., 'x@1,0'). Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the axis ('x' or 'y'), row index, and column index. """ ref_axis, ref_indices = reference_str.split('@') ref_row, ref_col = map(int, ref_indices.split(',')) return ref_axis, ref_row, ref_col
[docs] def plot_dependencies(self): dependencies = {'before': [], 'after': []} for value in [self._x_lim, self._y_lim]: if isinstance(value, str): # Assuming format is 'x(y)@row,col' ref_plot = tuple(map(int, value[2:].split(','))) # Add edge with (row, col) only dependencies['after'].append(ref_plot) return dependencies
[docs] def get_limits(self, axis_limits: dict) -> list[tuple[float | None]]: final_limits = [] parameters = list(self.parameters) + [None] * \ max(2 - len(self.parameters), 0) for i_lim, scale, parameter in zip((self._x_lim, self._y_lim), self.scale, parameters): if parameter == 'Time': final_limits.append((None, None)) elif scale == 'Tanh': final_limits.append((-1., 1.)) elif i_lim is None: final_limits.append((None, None)) elif isinstance(i_lim, str): ref_axis, ref_row, ref_col = self._parse_axis_limit_reference( i_lim) if (ref_row, ref_col) in axis_limits: final_limits.append( axis_limits[(ref_row, ref_col)][0 if ref_axis == 'x' else 1]) else: raise ValueError('Render order failure') else: final_limits.append(i_lim) return final_limits
[docs] @staticmethod def transform_data(data_list, transform_parameter: str = 'Nodes'): # Extract unique transform_parameter's and sort them transform_parameter_values = { transform_parameter_value for data in data_list for transform_parameter_value in data[transform_parameter]} transform_parameter_values = { elem for elem in transform_parameter_values if elem is not None} transform_parameter_values = sorted(transform_parameter_values) transform_parameter_value_index = {transform_parameter_value: i for i, transform_parameter_value in enumerate(transform_parameter_values)} # Extract time steps time_steps = [data['Time'] for data in data_list] # Initialize parameters dictionary params = {key: np.full((len(transform_parameter_values), len(time_steps)), np.nan) for key in data_list[0] if key not in [transform_parameter, 'Time', 'Nodes', 'Type']} if 'Type' in data_list[0]: params['Type'] = np.full( (len(transform_parameter_values), len(time_steps)), '') # Fill in the parameter values for t, data in enumerate(data_list): for param in params: if param in data and param != 'Nodes': # Map each transform_parameter_value's value to the corresponding row in the parameter's array for transform_parameter_value, value in zip(data[transform_parameter], data[param]): if transform_parameter_value is not None: idx = transform_parameter_value_index[transform_parameter_value] params[param][idx, t] = value return { 'Time': np.array(time_steps), transform_parameter: transform_parameter_values, **params }
[docs] def get_static_plot_requests(self): return []
[docs] def get_dynamic_plot_requests(self): return []
[docs] def get_track_clusterings_requests(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: return []
[docs] @staticmethod def is_available(interface: Interface) -> tuple[bool, str]: ''' Returns True if available for this interface and comment why''' return True, ''
[docs] def settings_to_code(self) -> str: return ''
[docs] def is_single_color(color: str | float | np.ndarray) -> bool: return isinstance(color, (str, float)) or color.shape == (4,) or color.shape == (3,)
[docs] @staticmethod def tanh_axis_labels(ax: plt.Axes, scale: list[str]): """ Adjust axis labels for tanh scaling. Parameters: ----------- ax : plt.Axes The Axes object to which the label adjustments should be applied. scale : list[str] Which axis to adjust. Choices: 'x', 'y', or 'both'. """ tickslabels = [-np.inf] + list(np.arange(-2.5, 2.6, 0.5)) + [np.inf] ticks = np.tanh(tickslabels) tickslabels = [r'-$\infty$' if label == -np.inf else r'$\infty$' if label == np.inf else label if abs( label) <= 1.5 else None for label in tickslabels] minor_tickslabels = np.arange(-2.5, 2.6, 0.1) minor_ticks = np.tanh(minor_tickslabels) if scale[0] == 'Tanh': ax.set_xticks(ticks) ax.set_xticklabels(tickslabels) ax.set_xticks(minor_ticks, minor=True) ax.set_xticklabels([], minor=True) ax.set_xlim([-1, 1]) if scale[1] == 'Tanh': ax.set_yticks(ticks) ax.set_yticklabels(tickslabels) ax.set_yticks(minor_ticks, minor=True) ax.set_yticklabels([], minor=True) ax.set_ylim([-1, 1])
[docs] @Plotter.plot_type("Histogram") class plot_histogram(Plot): def __init__(self, interface: Interface, color_scheme: ColorScheme, parameter: str, scale: Optional[tuple[str] | None] = None, rotated: Optional[bool] = False, show_x_label: bool = True, show_y_label: bool = True, exclude_types: tuple[str] = (), x_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, y_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, histogram_color: str | dict | float | None = None): self.interface: Interface = interface self.color_scheme: ColorScheme = color_scheme self.parameter: str = parameter self.parameters: tuple[str] = (parameter,) self.scale: tuple[str] = tuple(scale or ('Linear', 'Linear')) self.exclude_types: tuple[str] = exclude_types self.rotated: bool = rotated self.show_x_label: bool = show_x_label self.show_y_label: bool = show_y_label self._x_lim: Sequence[float] | None = x_lim self._y_lim: Sequence[float] | None = y_lim def histogram_color_to_histogram_color_settings(histogram_color) -> dict: if isinstance(histogram_color, dict): # check if only 'mode' and 'settings' in dict if not all(key in {'mode', 'settings'} for key in histogram_color.keys()): raise ValueError( 'Histogram color is incorrectly formatted') return histogram_color if isinstance(histogram_color, (str, float)): return {'mode': 'Constant Color', 'settings': {'color': histogram_color}} else: return {'mode': 'Constant Color'} self.histogram_color_settings: dict = histogram_color_to_histogram_color_settings( histogram_color) if self.histogram_color_settings['mode'] not in self.color_scheme.method_logger['Distribution Color']['modes']: raise ValueError('Histogram color is incorrectly formatted')
[docs] def get_track_clusterings_requests(self): return [self.color_scheme.requires_tracking(self.histogram_color_settings)]
[docs] def settings_to_code(self) -> str: return ('\'parameter\':'+self.parameter + ',\'scale\':'+str(self.scale) + ',\'rotated\':'+str(self.rotated) + ',\'show_x_label\':'+str(self.show_x_label) + ',\'show_y_label\':'+str(self.show_y_label) + ',\'x_lim\':'+str(self._x_lim) + ',\'y_lim\':'+str(self._y_lim) + ',\'histogram_color\':'+str(self.histogram_color_settings))
[docs] @staticmethod def settings(interface: Interface) -> list[Parameter]: return [ListParameter(name='Parameter', parameter_name='parameter', arguments=interface.node_parameters, comment='Parameter of the histogram'), ListParameter(name='Scale', parameter_name='scale', arguments=[ 'Linear', 'Tanh'], comment='Scale of the parameter'), BoolParameter(name='Rotate', parameter_name='rotated', default_value=False, comment='Should the histogram be rotated?'), BoolParameter( name='Show X Label', parameter_name='show_x_label', default_value=True, comment=''), BoolParameter( name='Show Y Label', parameter_name='show_y_label', default_value=True, comment=''), NoneRangeParameter(name='X Limit', parameter_name='x_lim', default_min_value=None, default_max_value=None, limits=(None, None), comment=''), NoneRangeParameter(name='Y Limit', parameter_name='y_lim', default_min_value=None, default_max_value=None, limits=(None, None), comment=''), ]
[docs] @staticmethod def qt_to_settings(qt_settings: dict) -> dict: ''' Transforms dict of settings from PyQT GUI to the dict that will be used for class init. ''' settings = qt_settings.copy() # Extract the value of 'parameter' and remove it from settings parameter_value = settings.pop('parameter', None) settings['parameter'] = parameter_value settings['scale'] = (settings['scale'], 'Linear') return settings
[docs] def get_dynamic_plot_requests(self) -> list[dict]: return [{'method': 'calculate_node_values', 'settings': {'parameters': (self.parameter, 'Type'), 'scale': self.scale}}]
[docs] def plot(self, ax: plt.Axes, group_number: int, axis_limits: dict): """ Plot a histogram on the given ax with the provided data data. Parameters: ----------- ax : plt.Axes Axes object where the histogram will be plotted. data : list[float] list containing parameter values. scale : str, optional The scale for the x-axis. Options: 'Linear' or 'Tanh'. rotated : bool, optional If True, the histogram is rotated to be horizontal. x_lim : Optional[Sequence[float] | None] Limits of the x-axis. y_lim : Optional[Sequence[float] | None] Limits of the y-axis. """ if len(self.parameters) != 1: raise ValueError('Histogram expects only one parameter') x_lim, y_lim = self.get_limits(axis_limits) data = self.interface.dynamic_data_cache[group_number][self.get_dynamic_plot_requests()[ 0]] nodes = data['Nodes'] types = data['Type'] acceptable_types = np.array( [t not in self.exclude_types for t in types]) self.parameter = self.parameters[0] values = np.array(data[self.parameter]) valid_indices = (~np.isnan(values)) & acceptable_types values = values[valid_indices] histogram_color = self.color_scheme.distribution_color( nodes=nodes, group_number=group_number, **self.histogram_color_settings) if self.rotated: if self.scale[1] == 'Tanh': values = np.tanh(values) y_lim = [np.nanmin(values) if y_lim[0] is None else y_lim[0], np.nanmax( values) if y_lim[1] is None else y_lim[1]] values = values[(values >= y_lim[0]) & (values <= y_lim[1])] sns.kdeplot(y=values, ax=ax, fill=True, color=histogram_color) sns.histplot(y=values, kde=False, ax=ax, binrange=y_lim, element="step", fill=False, stat="density", color=histogram_color) if self.show_y_label: ax.set_ylabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( self.parameter, self.parameter)) if self.show_x_label: ax.set_xlabel('Density') else: if self.scale[0] == 'Tanh': values = np.tanh(values) x_lim = [np.nanmin(values) if x_lim[0] is None else x_lim[0], np.nanmax( values) if x_lim[1] is None else x_lim[1]] values = values[(values >= x_lim[0]) & (values <= x_lim[1])] sns.kdeplot(data=values, ax=ax, fill=True, color=histogram_color) sns.histplot(data=values, kde=False, ax=ax, binrange=x_lim, element="step", fill=False, stat="density", color=histogram_color) if self.show_x_label: ax.set_xlabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( self.parameter, self.parameter)) if self.show_y_label: ax.set_ylabel('Density') Plot.tanh_axis_labels(ax=ax, scale=self.scale) if x_lim is not None: ax.set_xlim(*x_lim) if y_lim is not None: ax.set_ylim(*y_lim)
[docs] @Plotter.plot_type("Hexbin") class plot_hexbin(Plot): def __init__(self, interface: Interface, color_scheme: ColorScheme, parameters: tuple[str], scale: Optional[tuple[str] | None] = None, rotated: Optional[bool] = False, show_x_label: bool = True, show_y_label: bool = True, x_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, y_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, colormap: str | None = None, show_colorbar: bool = False): self.interface: Interface = interface self.color_scheme = color_scheme self.parameters = tuple(parameters) self.scale = tuple(scale or ('Linear', 'Linear')) self.rotated = rotated self.show_x_label = show_x_label self.show_y_label = show_y_label self._x_lim = x_lim self._y_lim = y_lim self.show_colorbar = show_colorbar def colormap_to_colormap_settings(colormap) -> dict: if isinstance(colormap, dict): # check if only 'mode' and 'settings' in dict if not all(key in {'mode', 'settings'} for key in colormap.keys()): raise ValueError( 'Colormap is incorrectly formatted') return colormap if isinstance(colormap, (str, float)): return {'mode': 'Independent Colormap', 'settings': {'colormap': colormap}} else: return {'mode': 'Independent Colormap'} self.colormap_settings = colormap_to_colormap_settings(colormap) if self.colormap_settings['mode'] not in self.color_scheme.method_logger['Color Map']['modes']: raise ValueError( f"Colormap is incorrectly formatted: Mode {self.colormap_settings['mode']} not in known modes {self.color_scheme.method_logger['Color Map']['modes']}")
[docs] def get_track_clusterings_requests(self): return [self.color_scheme.requires_tracking(self.colormap_settings)]
[docs] def settings_to_code(self) -> str: return ('\'parameters\':'+str(self.parameters) + ',\'scale\':'+str(self.scale) + ',\'rotated\':'+str(self.rotated) + ',\'show_x_label\':'+str(self.show_x_label) + ',\'show_y_label\':'+str(self.show_y_label) + ',\'x_lim\':'+str(self._x_lim) + ',\'y_lim\':'+str(self._y_lim) + ',\'show_colorbar\':'+str(self.show_colorbar))
[docs] @staticmethod def settings(interface: Interface) -> list[Parameter]: return [ListParameter(name='X parameter', parameter_name='x_parameter', arguments=interface.node_parameters, comment=''), ListParameter(name='X scale', parameter_name='x_scale', arguments=[ 'Linear', 'Tanh'], comment=''), ListParameter(name='Y parameter', parameter_name='y_parameter', arguments=interface.node_parameters, comment=''), ListParameter(name='Y scale', parameter_name='y_scale', arguments=[ 'Linear', 'Tanh'], comment=''), BoolParameter(name='Rotate', parameter_name='rotated', default_value=False, comment='Should the plot be rotated?'), BoolParameter( name='Show X Label', parameter_name='show_x_label', default_value=True, comment=''), BoolParameter( name='Show Y Label', parameter_name='show_y_label', default_value=True, comment=''), NoneRangeParameter(name='X Limit', parameter_name='x_lim', default_min_value=None, default_max_value=None, limits=(None, None), comment=''), NoneRangeParameter(name='Y Limit', parameter_name='y_lim', default_min_value=None, default_max_value=None, limits=(None, None), comment=''), BoolParameter( name='Show Colorbar', parameter_name='show_colorbar', default_value=False, comment=''), ]
[docs] @staticmethod def qt_to_settings(qt_settings: dict) -> dict: # Copy qt_settings to avoid modifying the original dictionary settings = qt_settings.copy() # Extract the value of 'parameter' and remove it from settings x_parameter_value = settings.pop('x_parameter', None) y_parameter_value = settings.pop('y_parameter', None) x_scale = settings.pop('x_scale', None) y_scale = settings.pop('y_scale', None) settings['parameters'] = (x_parameter_value, y_parameter_value) settings['scale'] = (x_scale, y_scale) return settings
[docs] def get_dynamic_plot_requests(self): return [{'method': 'calculate_node_values', 'settings': {'parameters': self.parameters, 'scale': self.scale}}]
[docs] def plot(self, ax: plt.Axes, group_number: int, axis_limits: dict): """ Plot a hexbin on the given ax with the provided x and y values. Parameters: ----------- ax : plt.Axes Axes object where the hexbin will be plotted. x_values, y_values : list[float] lists containing x-values and y-values extent : list[float], optional The bounding box in data coordinates that the hexbin should fill. colormap : str, optional The colormap to be used for hexbin coloring. cmax : float, optional The maximum number of counts in a hexbin for colormap scaling. scale : list, optional Scale for the plot values (x and y). Options: 'Linear' or 'Tanh'. Default is 'Linear' for both. show_colorbar : bool, optional """ x_lim, y_lim = self.get_limits(axis_limits) data = self.interface.dynamic_data_cache[group_number][self.get_dynamic_plot_requests()[ 0]] x_parameter = self.parameters[0] y_parameter = self.parameters[1] x_values = np.array(data[x_parameter]) y_values = np.array(data[y_parameter]) nodes = data['Nodes'] colormap = self.color_scheme.colorbar( nodes=nodes, group_number=group_number, **self.colormap_settings) # Find indices where neither x_values nor y_values are NaN valid_indices = ~np.isnan(x_values) & ~np.isnan(y_values) # Filter the values using these indices x_values = x_values[valid_indices] y_values = y_values[valid_indices] if self.scale[0] == 'Tanh': x_values = np.tanh(x_values) if self.scale[1] == 'Tanh': y_values = np.tanh(y_values) if x_lim == (None, None): x_lim = [-1, 1] if self.scale[0] == 'Tanh' else [ np.nanmin(x_values), np.nanmax(x_values)] if y_lim == (None, None): y_lim = [-1, 1] if self.scale[1] == 'Tanh' else [ np.nanmin(y_values), np.nanmax(y_values)] extent = x_lim+y_lim delta_x = 0.1*(extent[1]-extent[0]) x_field_extent = [extent[0]-delta_x, extent[1]+delta_x] delta_y = 0.1*(extent[3]-extent[2]) y_field_extent = [extent[2]-delta_y, extent[3]+delta_y] field_extent = x_field_extent + y_field_extent ax.imshow([[0, 0], [0, 0]], cmap=colormap, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', extent=field_extent) hb = ax.hexbin(x_values, y_values, gridsize=50, bins='log', extent=extent, cmap=colormap) # Create a background filled with the `0` value of the colormap ax.imshow([[0, 0], [0, 0]], cmap=colormap, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', extent=extent) # Create the hexbin plot hb = ax.hexbin(x_values, y_values, gridsize=50, cmap=colormap, bins='log', extent=extent) Plot.tanh_axis_labels(ax=ax, scale=self.scale) if x_lim is not None: ax.set_xlim(*x_lim) if y_lim is not None: ax.set_ylim(*y_lim) if self.show_colorbar: plt.colorbar(hb, ax=ax) if self.show_x_label: ax.set_xlabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( self.parameters[0], self.parameters[0])) if self.show_y_label: ax.set_ylabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( self.parameters[1], self.parameters[1]))
[docs] @Plotter.plot_type("Scatter") class plot_scatter(Plot): def __init__(self, interface: Interface, color_scheme: ColorScheme, parameters: tuple[str], scale: Optional[tuple[str] | None] = None, rotated: Optional[bool] = False, show_x_label: bool = True, show_y_label: bool = True, x_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, y_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, color: Optional[str | None] = None, marker: Optional[str | None] = None): self.interface: Interface = interface self.parameters = tuple(parameters) self.scale = tuple(scale or ('Linear', 'Linear')) self.rotated = rotated self.show_x_label = show_x_label self.show_y_label = show_y_label self._x_lim = x_lim self._y_lim = y_lim self.color_scheme = color_scheme def scatter_color_to_scatter_color_settings(scatter_color) -> dict: if isinstance(scatter_color, dict): # check if only 'mode' and 'settings' in dict if not all(key in {'mode', 'settings'} for key in scatter_color.keys()): raise ValueError( 'Scatter color is incorrectly formatted') return scatter_color if isinstance(scatter_color, (str, float)): return {'mode': 'Constant Color', 'settings': {'color': scatter_color}} else: return {'mode': 'Constant Color'} self.scatter_color_settings: dict = scatter_color_to_scatter_color_settings( color) if self.scatter_color_settings['mode'] not in self.color_scheme.method_logger['Scatter Color']['modes']: raise ValueError( f"Scatter color is incorrectly formatted: Mode {self.scatter_color_settings['mode']} not in known modes {self.color_scheme.method_logger['Scatter Color']['modes']}") def scatter_marker_to_scatter_marker_settings(scatter_marker) -> dict: if isinstance(scatter_marker, dict): # check if only 'mode' and 'settings' in dict if not all(key in {'mode', 'settings'} for key in scatter_marker.keys()): raise ValueError( 'Scatter marker is incorrectly formatted') return scatter_marker if isinstance(scatter_marker, (str, float)): return {'mode': 'Constant Marker', 'settings': {'marker': scatter_marker}} else: return {'mode': 'Constant Marker'} self.scatter_marker_settings: dict = scatter_marker_to_scatter_marker_settings( marker)
[docs] def get_track_clusterings_requests(self): return [self.color_scheme.requires_tracking(self.scatter_color_settings), self.color_scheme.requires_tracking(self.scatter_marker_settings)]
[docs] def get_dynamic_plot_requests(self): return [{'method': 'calculate_node_values', 'settings': {'parameters': self.parameters, 'scale': self.scale}}]
[docs] def plot(self, ax: plt.Axes, group_number: int, axis_limits: dict): """ Plot a scatter plot on the given ax with the provided x and y values. Parameters: ----------- ax : plt.Axes Axes object where the scatter plot will be plotted. data : defaultdict[list[float]] A dictionary containing lists of x and y values. parameters : tuple[str] A tuple containing the names of the parameters to be plotted. x_lim, y_lim : Optional[Sequence[float]] The limits for the x and y axes. color : Optional[str] The color of the markers. marker : str The shape of the marker. show_x_label, show_y_label : bool Flags to show or hide the x and y labels. """ x_lim, y_lim = self.get_limits(axis_limits) data = self.interface.dynamic_data_cache[group_number][self.get_dynamic_plot_requests()[ 0]] x_parameter, y_parameter = self.parameters x_values = np.array(data[x_parameter]) y_values = np.array(data[y_parameter]) nodes = data['Nodes'] # Remove NaN values valid_indices = ~np.isnan(x_values) & ~np.isnan(y_values) x_values = x_values[valid_indices] y_values = y_values[valid_indices] valid_nodes = [nodes[i] for i in np.where(valid_indices)[0]] if self.scale[0] == 'Tanh': x_values = np.tanh(x_values) if self.scale[1] == 'Tanh': y_values = np.tanh(y_values) colors = self.color_scheme.scatter_colors_nodes( nodes=valid_nodes, group_number=group_number, **self.scatter_color_settings) markers = self.color_scheme.scatter_markers_nodes( nodes=valid_nodes, group_number=group_number, **self.scatter_marker_settings) if isinstance(markers, (str, type(None))): ax.scatter(x_values, y_values, color=colors, marker=markers) else: # Convert markers to a NumPy array for efficient processing markers = np.array(markers) unique_markers = np.unique(markers) colors = np.array(colors) colors_is_array = not (Plot.is_single_color(colors)) if colors_is_array: # Ensure colors is a NumPy array of individual colors for each point colors = np.array(colors) else: # Single color definition, use it directly for all points c = colors # Plot each group of points with the same marker individually for marker in unique_markers: # Find indices of points with the current marker indices = np.where(markers == marker)[0] if colors_is_array: # Extract the colors for the selected indices for individual colors per point c = colors[indices, :] # Plot these points as a separate scatter plot ax.scatter(x_values[indices], y_values[indices], color=c, marker=marker) # Setting the plot limits if x_lim is not None: ax.set_xlim(*x_lim) if y_lim is not None: ax.set_ylim(*y_lim) Plot.tanh_axis_labels(ax=ax, scale=self.scale) if self.show_x_label: ax.set_xlabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( x_parameter, x_parameter)) if self.show_y_label: ax.set_ylabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( y_parameter, y_parameter))
[docs] @Plotter.plot_type("Clustering: Centroids") class plot_clustering_centroids(Plot): def __init__(self, interface: Interface, color_scheme: ColorScheme, parameters: tuple[str], clustering_settings: dict, scale: Optional[tuple[str] | None] = None, rotated: Optional[bool] = False, show_x_label: bool = True, show_y_label: bool = True, x_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, y_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, color: Optional[str | None] = None, marker: Optional[str | None] = None): self.interface: Interface = interface self.parameters = tuple(parameters) self.clustering_settings = clustering_settings self.scale = tuple(scale or ('Linear', 'Linear')) self.rotated = rotated self.show_x_label = show_x_label self.show_y_label = show_y_label self._x_lim = x_lim self._y_lim = y_lim self.color_scheme = color_scheme def centroid_color_to_centroid_color_settings(centroid_color) -> dict: if isinstance(centroid_color, dict): # check if only 'mode' and 'settings' in dict if not all(key in {'mode', 'settings'} for key in centroid_color.keys()): raise ValueError( 'Centroid color is incorrectly formatted') return centroid_color if isinstance(centroid_color, (str, float)): return {'mode': 'Constant Color', 'settings': {'color': centroid_color}} else: return {'mode': 'Constant Color'} self.centroid_color_settings: dict = centroid_color_to_centroid_color_settings( color) if self.centroid_color_settings['mode'] not in self.color_scheme.method_logger['Scatter Color']['modes']: raise ValueError( f"Centroid color is incorrectly formatted: Mode {self.centroid_color_settings['mode']} not in known modes {self.color_scheme.method_logger['Centroid Color']['modes']}") def centroid_marker_to_centroid_marker_settings(centroid_marker) -> dict: if isinstance(centroid_marker, dict): # check if only 'mode' and 'settings' in dict if not all(key in {'mode', 'settings'} for key in centroid_marker.keys()): raise ValueError( 'Centroid marker is incorrectly formatted') return centroid_marker if isinstance(centroid_marker, (str, float)): return {'mode': 'Constant Marker', 'settings': {'marker': centroid_marker}} else: return {'mode': 'Constant Marker'} self.centroid_marker_settings: dict = centroid_marker_to_centroid_marker_settings( marker) if self.centroid_marker_settings['mode'] not in self.color_scheme.method_logger['Centroid Marker']['modes']: raise ValueError( f"Centroid marker is incorrectly formatted: Mode {self.centroid_marker_settings['mode']} not in known modes {self.color_scheme.method_logger['Centroid Marker']['modes']}")
[docs] def get_track_clusterings_requests(self): return [self.color_scheme.requires_tracking(self.centroid_color_settings), self.color_scheme.requires_tracking(self.centroid_marker_settings)]
[docs] def get_dynamic_plot_requests(self): return [{'method': 'get_clustering', 'settings': {'parameters': self.parameters, 'scale': self.scale, 'clustering_settings': self.clustering_settings}}]
[docs] def plot(self, ax: plt.Axes, group_number: int, axis_limits: dict): """ Plots the decision boundaries for a 2D slice of the clustering object's data. Args: - x_feature_index (int): The index of the feature to be plotted on the x-axis. - y_feature_index (int): The index of the feature to be plotted on the y-axis. - plot_limits (tuple): A tuple containing the limits of the plot: (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max). - resolution (int): The number of points to generate in the mesh for the plot. Returns: None """ x_lim, y_lim = self.get_limits(axis_limits) clustering: ParameterBasedClustering = self.interface.dynamic_data_cache[group_number][self.get_dynamic_plot_requests()[ 0]] x_feature_name, y_feature_name = self.parameters x_feature_index, y_feature_index = clustering.get_indices_from_parameters( [x_feature_name, y_feature_name]) # Plot centroids if they are 2D centroids = clustering.centroids() labels = clustering.cluster_labels markers = self.color_scheme.centroid_markers( clusters=labels, group_number=group_number, **self.centroid_marker_settings) colors = self.color_scheme.centroid_colors( clusters=labels, group_number=group_number, **self.centroid_color_settings) if centroids.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError(f"Centroids ({centroids}) shape is incorrect") x_values = centroids[:, x_feature_index] y_values = centroids[:, y_feature_index] if self.scale[0] == 'Tanh': x_values = np.tanh(x_values) if self.scale[1] == 'Tanh': y_values = np.tanh(y_values) if isinstance(markers, (str, type(None))): ax.scatter(x_values, y_values, color=colors, marker=markers) else: # Convert markers to a NumPy array for efficient processing markers = np.array(markers) unique_markers = np.unique(markers) # Check the type of colors to handle single color definitions colors = np.array(colors) colors_is_array = not (Plot.is_single_color(colors)) if colors_is_array: # Ensure colors is a NumPy array of individual colors for each point colors = np.array(colors) else: # Single color definition, use it directly for all points c = colors # Plot each group of points with the same marker individually for marker in unique_markers: # Find indices of points with the current marker indices = np.where(markers == marker)[0] if colors_is_array: # Extract the colors for the selected indices for individual colors per point c = colors[indices, :] # Plot these points as a separate scatter plot ax.scatter(x_values[indices], y_values[indices], color=c, marker=marker) # Setting the plot limits if x_lim is not None: ax.set_xlim(*x_lim) if y_lim is not None: ax.set_ylim(*y_lim) Plot.tanh_axis_labels(ax=ax, scale=self.scale) if self.show_x_label: ax.set_xlabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( self.parameters[0], self.parameters[0])) if self.show_y_label: ax.set_ylabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( self.parameters[1], self.parameters[1]))
[docs] @Plotter.plot_type("Clustering: Fill") class plot_clustering_fill(Plot): def __init__(self, interface: Interface, color_scheme: ColorScheme, parameters: tuple[str], clustering_settings: dict = {}, scale: Optional[tuple[str] | None] = None, show_x_label: bool = True, show_y_label: bool = True, x_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, y_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, fill_color: dict = None, alpha: float = 0.2, resolution: int = 100): self.interface: Interface = interface self.parameters = tuple(parameters) self.color_scheme = color_scheme self.clustering_settings = clustering_settings self.scale = tuple(scale or ('Linear', 'Linear')) self.show_x_label = show_x_label self.show_y_label = show_y_label self._x_lim = x_lim self._y_lim = y_lim self.resolution = resolution self.alpha = alpha def fill_color_to_fill_color_settings(fill_color) -> dict: if isinstance(fill_color, dict): # check if only 'mode' and 'settings' in dict if not all(key in {'mode', 'settings'} for key in fill_color.keys()): raise ValueError( 'Histogram color is incorrectly formatted') return fill_color else: return {'mode': 'Cluster Color', 'settings': {'clustering_settings': self.clustering_settings}} self.fill_color_settings: dict = fill_color_to_fill_color_settings( fill_color)
[docs] def get_track_clusterings_requests(self): return [self.color_scheme.requires_tracking(self.fill_color_settings)]
[docs] def get_dynamic_plot_requests(self): return [{'method': 'get_clustering', 'settings': {'parameters': self.parameters, 'scale': self.scale, 'clustering_settings': self.clustering_settings}}]
[docs] def plot(self, ax: plt.Axes, group_number: int, axis_limits: dict): x_lim, y_lim = self.get_limits(axis_limits) clustering: Clustering = self.interface.dynamic_data_cache[group_number][self.get_dynamic_plot_requests()[ 0]] labels = clustering.cluster_labels colors = self.color_scheme.fill_colors( clusters=labels, group_number=group_number, **self.fill_color_settings) x_feature_name, y_feature_name = self.parameters x_feature_index, y_feature_index = clustering.get_indices_from_parameters( [x_feature_name, y_feature_name]) if np.any(x_lim) == None: x_lim = [np.nanmin([:, x_feature_index]), np.nanmax([:, x_feature_index])] if np.any(y_lim) == None: y_lim = [np.nanmin([:, y_feature_index]), np.nanmax([:, y_feature_index])] xx, yy = np.meshgrid( np.linspace(x_lim[0], x_lim[1], self.resolution), np.linspace( y_lim[0], y_lim[1], self.resolution) ) mesh_points = np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()] mesh_points_scaled = np.array(mesh_points) if self.scale[0] == 'Tanh': mesh_points_scaled[:, 0] = np.arctanh(mesh_points_scaled[:, 0]) if self.scale[1] == 'Tanh': mesh_points_scaled[:, 1] = np.arctanh(mesh_points_scaled[:, 1]) Z = clustering.predict_cluster( mesh_points_scaled, parameters=self.parameters) Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape) # Create a ListedColormap with your colors cmap = ListedColormap(colors) # Custom function to check if a value is None or NaN def is_nan_or_none(value): return value is None or (isinstance(value, float) and np.isnan(value)) # Replace None with np.nan Z = np.where(Z == None, np.nan, Z) # Convert the array to float Z = Z.astype(float) im = ax.imshow(Z, extent=[x_lim[0], x_lim[1], y_lim[0], y_lim[1]], origin='lower', aspect='auto', alpha=self.alpha, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap) Plot.tanh_axis_labels(ax=ax, scale=self.scale) if self.show_x_label: ax.set_xlabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( self.parameters[0], self.parameters[0])) if self.show_y_label: ax.set_ylabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( self.parameters[1], self.parameters[1]))
[docs] @Plotter.plot_type("Clustering: Degree of Membership") class plot_clustering_degree_of_membership(Plot): def __init__(self, interface: Interface, color_scheme: ColorScheme, parameters: tuple[str], clustering_settings: dict = {}, scale: Optional[tuple[str] | None] = None, show_x_label: bool = True, show_y_label: bool = True, x_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, y_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, colormap=None, alpha: float = 0.2, resolution: int = 100): self.interface: Interface = interface self.parameters = tuple(parameters) self.color_scheme = color_scheme self.clustering_settings = clustering_settings if 'clustering_parameters' not in self.clustering_settings: self.clustering_settings['clustering_parameters'] = self.parameters self.scale = tuple(scale or ('Linear', 'Linear')) self.show_x_label = show_x_label self.show_y_label = show_y_label self._x_lim = x_lim self._y_lim = y_lim self.resolution = resolution self.alpha = alpha def colormap_to_colormap_settings(colormap) -> dict: if isinstance(colormap, dict): # check if only 'mode' and 'settings' in dict if not all(key in {'mode', 'settings'} for key in colormap.keys()): raise ValueError( 'Colormap is incorrectly formatted') return colormap if isinstance(colormap, (str, float)): return {'mode': 'Independent Colormap', 'settings': {'colormap': colormap}} else: return {'mode': 'Independent Colormap'} self.colormap_settings = colormap_to_colormap_settings(colormap) if self.colormap_settings['mode'] not in self.color_scheme.method_logger['Color Map']['modes']: raise ValueError( f"Colormap is incorrectly formatted: Mode {self.colormap_settings['mode']} not in known modes {self.color_scheme.method_logger['Color Map']['modes']}")
[docs] def get_track_clusterings_requests(self): return [self.color_scheme.requires_tracking(self.colormap_settings)]
[docs] def get_dynamic_plot_requests(self): return [{'method': 'get_clustering', 'settings': {'parameters': self.parameters, 'scale': self.scale, 'clustering_settings': self.clustering_settings}}]
[docs] def plot(self, ax: plt.Axes, group_number: int, axis_limits: dict): x_lim, y_lim = self.get_limits(axis_limits) clustering: Clustering = self.interface.dynamic_data_cache[group_number][ self.get_dynamic_plot_requests()[0]] colormap = self.color_scheme.colorbar( group_number=group_number, **self.colormap_settings) xx, yy = np.meshgrid( np.linspace(x_lim[0], x_lim[1], self.resolution), np.linspace( y_lim[0], y_lim[1], self.resolution) ) mesh_points = np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()] mesh_points_scaled = np.array(mesh_points) if self.scale[0] == 'Tanh': mesh_points_scaled[:, 0] = np.arctanh(mesh_points_scaled[:, 0]) if self.scale[1] == 'Tanh': mesh_points_scaled[:, 1] = np.arctanh(mesh_points_scaled[:, 1]) Z = np.array(clustering.degree_of_membership(mesh_points_scaled)) Z = Z.max(axis=0) Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape) ax.contourf(xx, yy, Z, alpha=self.alpha, levels=np.linspace(0, 1, 11), cmap=colormap) Plot.tanh_axis_labels(ax=ax, scale=self.scale) if self.show_x_label: ax.set_xlabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( self.parameters[0], self.parameters[0])) if self.show_y_label: ax.set_ylabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( self.parameters[1], self.parameters[1]))
[docs] @Plotter.plot_type("Clustering: Density Plot") class plot_clustering_density(Plot): def __init__(self, interface: Interface, color_scheme: ColorScheme, parameters: tuple[str], clustering_settings: dict = {}, scale: Optional[tuple[str] | None] = None, show_x_label: bool = True, show_y_label: bool = True, x_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, y_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, fill_color: dict = None, alpha: float = 0.5, levels: int = 5, thresh: float = 0.5, resolution: int = 100): self.interface: Interface = interface self.parameters = tuple(parameters) self.color_scheme = color_scheme self.clustering_settings = clustering_settings if 'clustering_parameters' not in self.clustering_settings: self.clustering_settings['clustering_parameters'] = self.parameters self.scale = tuple(scale or ('Linear', 'Linear')) self.show_x_label = show_x_label self.show_y_label = show_y_label self._x_lim = x_lim self._y_lim = y_lim self.resolution = resolution self.alpha = alpha self.levels = levels self.thresh = thresh def fill_color_to_fill_color_settings(fill_color) -> dict: if isinstance(fill_color, dict): # check if only 'mode' and 'settings' in dict if not all(key in {'mode', 'settings'} for key in fill_color.keys()): raise ValueError( 'Histogram color is incorrectly formatted') return fill_color else: return {'mode': 'Cluster Color', 'settings': {'clustering_settings': self.clustering_settings}} self.fill_color_settings: dict = fill_color_to_fill_color_settings( fill_color)
[docs] def get_track_clusterings_requests(self): return [self.clustering_settings, self.color_scheme.requires_tracking(self.fill_color_settings)]
[docs] def get_dynamic_plot_requests(self): return [{'method': 'get_clustering', 'settings': {'parameters': self.parameters, 'scale': self.scale, 'clustering_settings': self.clustering_settings}}]
[docs] def plot(self, ax: plt.Axes, group_number: int, axis_limits: dict): x_lim, y_lim = self.get_limits(axis_limits) clustering: Clustering = self.interface.dynamic_data_cache[group_number][self.get_dynamic_plot_requests()[ 0]] labels = clustering.cluster_labels colors = self.color_scheme.fill_colors( clusters=labels, group_number=group_number, **self.fill_color_settings) xx, yy = np.meshgrid( np.linspace(x_lim[0], x_lim[1], self.resolution), np.linspace( y_lim[0], y_lim[1], self.resolution) ) mesh_points = np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()] mesh_points_scaled = np.array(mesh_points) if self.scale[0] == 'Tanh': mesh_points_scaled[:, 0] = np.arctanh(mesh_points_scaled[:, 0]) if self.scale[1] == 'Tanh': mesh_points_scaled[:, 1] = np.arctanh(mesh_points_scaled[:, 1]) Z = np.array(clustering.degree_of_membership(mesh_points_scaled)) Z = Z.reshape(-1, *xx.shape) Z_index = Z.argmax(axis=0) Z_flat = Z.max(axis=0).ravel() xx_flat = xx.ravel() yy_flat = yy.ravel() Z_index_flat = Z_index.ravel() # Create a mapping from integer categories to custom labels Z_index_flat_categorical = pd.Categorical(Z_index_flat) category_mapping = {i: label for i, label in enumerate(labels)} # Map the categories in Z_index_flat_categorical to custom labels Z_index_flat_mapped = sns.kdeplot( ax=ax, x=xx_flat, y=yy_flat, hue=Z_index_flat_mapped, # Use the mapped data for hue weights=Z_flat, levels=self.levels, thresh=self.thresh, alpha=self.alpha, palette=colors # Use the 'colors' list as a palette ) Plot.tanh_axis_labels(ax=ax, scale=self.scale) if self.show_x_label: ax.set_xlabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( self.parameters[0], self.parameters[0])) if self.show_y_label: ax.set_ylabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( self.parameters[1], self.parameters[1]))
[docs] @Plotter.plot_type("Clustered Histogram") class plot_clustered_histogram(Plot): def __init__(self, interface: Interface, color_scheme: ColorScheme, parameter: str, clustering_settings: Optional[dict] = None, scale: Optional[tuple[str] | None] = None, rotated: Optional[bool] = False, show_x_label: bool = True, show_y_label: bool = True, exclude_types: tuple[str] = (), x_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, y_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, fill_color: str | dict | float | None = None): self.interface: Interface = interface self.color_scheme: ColorScheme = color_scheme self.parameter: str = parameter self.parameters: tuple[str] = (parameter,) self.clustering_settings = clustering_settings self.scale: tuple[str] = tuple(scale or ('Linear', 'Linear')) self.exclude_types: tuple[str] = exclude_types self.rotated: bool = rotated self.show_x_label: bool = show_x_label self.show_y_label: bool = show_y_label self._x_lim: Sequence[float] | None = x_lim self._y_lim: Sequence[float] | None = y_lim def fill_color_to_fill_color_settings(fill_color) -> dict: if isinstance(fill_color, dict): # check if only 'mode' and 'settings' in dict if not all(key in {'mode', 'settings'} for key in fill_color.keys()): raise ValueError( 'Histogram color is incorrectly formatted') return fill_color else: return {'mode': 'Cluster Color', 'settings': {'clustering_settings': self.clustering_settings}} self.fill_color_settings: dict = fill_color_to_fill_color_settings( fill_color)
[docs] def get_track_clusterings_requests(self): return [self.color_scheme.requires_tracking(self.fill_color_settings)]
[docs] def settings_to_code(self) -> str: return ('\'parameter\':' + self.parameter + ',\'scale\':' + str(self.scale) + ',\'rotated\':' + str(self.rotated) + ',\'show_x_label\':' + str(self.show_x_label) + ',\'show_y_label\':' + str(self.show_y_label) + ',\'x_lim\':' + str(self._x_lim) + ',\'y_lim\':' + str(self._y_lim) + ',\'fill_color\':' + str(self.fill_color_settings))
[docs] @staticmethod def settings(interface: Interface) -> list[Parameter]: return [ListParameter(name='Parameter', parameter_name='parameter', arguments=interface.node_parameters, comment='Parameter of the histogram'), ListParameter(name='Scale', parameter_name='scale', arguments=[ 'Linear', 'Tanh'], comment='Scale of the parameter'), BoolParameter(name='Rotate', parameter_name='rotated', default_value=False, comment='Should the histogram be rotated?'), BoolParameter( name='Show X Label', parameter_name='show_x_label', default_value=True, comment=''), BoolParameter( name='Show Y Label', parameter_name='show_y_label', default_value=True, comment=''), NoneRangeParameter(name='X Limit', parameter_name='x_lim', default_min_value=None, default_max_value=None, limits=(None, None), comment=''), NoneRangeParameter(name='Y Limit', parameter_name='y_lim', default_min_value=None, default_max_value=None, limits=(None, None), comment=''), ]
[docs] @staticmethod def qt_to_settings(qt_settings: dict) -> dict: settings = qt_settings.copy() parameter_value = settings.pop('parameter', None) settings['parameter'] = parameter_value settings['scale'] = (settings['scale'], 'Linear') return settings
[docs] def get_dynamic_plot_requests(self): return [{'method': 'get_clustering', 'settings': {'parameters': self.parameters, 'scale': self.scale, 'clustering_settings': self.clustering_settings}}, {'method': 'calculate_node_values', 'settings': {'parameters': (self.parameter, 'Type'), 'scale': self.scale}}]
[docs] def plot(self, ax: plt.Axes, group_number: int, axis_limits: dict): if len(self.parameters) != 1: raise ValueError('Histogram expects only one parameter') clustering: Clustering = self.interface.dynamic_data_cache[group_number][self.get_dynamic_plot_requests()[ 0]] labels = clustering.cluster_labels data = self.interface.dynamic_data_cache[group_number][self.get_dynamic_plot_requests()[ 1]] self.parameter = self.parameters[0] values = np.array(data[self.parameter]) # Now get the limits and set default values if necessary x_lim, y_lim = self.get_limits(axis_limits) colors = self.color_scheme.fill_colors( clusters=labels, group_number=group_number, **self.fill_color_settings) cluster_labels = clustering.cluster_labels # Iterate through each cluster and plot its histogram for i, (cluster, color) in enumerate(zip(cluster_labels, colors)): cluster_values = values[np.where(clustering.cluster_indexes == i)] if self.rotated: sns.histplot(y=cluster_values, kde=False, ax=ax, element="step", fill=False, stat="density", label=f'Cluster {cluster}', color=color) else: sns.histplot(cluster_values, kde=False, ax=ax, element="step", fill=False, stat="density", label=f'Cluster {cluster}', color=color) ax.legend() Plot.tanh_axis_labels(ax=ax, scale=self.scale) if x_lim is not None: ax.set_xlim(*x_lim) if y_lim is not None: ax.set_ylim(*y_lim) if self.show_x_label: ax.set_xlabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( self.parameter, self.parameter)) if self.show_y_label: ax.set_ylabel('Density')
[docs] @Plotter.plot_type("Static: Time line") class plot_time_line(Plot): def __init__(self, interface: Interface, color_scheme: ColorScheme, parameters: tuple[str], scale: Optional[tuple[str] | None] = None, show_x_label: bool = True, show_y_label: bool = True, x_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, y_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, linestyle: str | None = None, color: str | None = None): self.interface: Interface = interface self.parameters = tuple(parameters) self.color_scheme = color_scheme self.scale = tuple(scale or ('Linear', 'Linear')) self.show_x_label = show_x_label self.show_y_label = show_y_label self._x_lim = x_lim self._y_lim = y_lim def time_color_to_time_color_settings(time_color) -> dict: if isinstance(time_color, dict): # check if only 'mode' and 'settings' in dict if not all(key in {'mode', 'settings'} for key in time_color.keys()): raise ValueError( 'Time color is incorrectly formatted') return time_color if isinstance(time_color, (str, float)): return {'mode': 'Constant Color', 'settings': {'color': time_color}} else: return {'mode': 'Constant Color'} self.time_color_settings: dict = time_color_to_time_color_settings( color) if self.time_color_settings['mode'] not in self.color_scheme.method_logger['Timeline Color']['modes']: raise ValueError( f"Time color is incorrectly formatted: Mode {self.time_color_settings['mode']} not in known modes {self.color_scheme.method_logger['Timeline Color']['modes']}") def time_style_to_time_style_settings(time_style) -> dict: if isinstance(time_style, dict): # check if only 'mode' and 'settings' in dict if not all(key in {'mode', 'settings'} for key in time_style.keys()): raise ValueError( 'Time style is incorrectly formatted') return time_style if isinstance(time_style, (str, float)): return {'mode': 'Constant Style', 'settings': {'style': time_style}} else: return {'mode': 'Constant Style'} self.time_style_settings: dict = time_style_to_time_style_settings( linestyle) if self.time_style_settings['mode'] not in self.color_scheme.method_logger['Timeline Style']['modes']: raise ValueError( f"Time style is incorrectly formatted: Mode {self.time_style_settings['mode']} not in known modes {self.color_scheme.method_logger['Timeline Style']['modes']}")
[docs] def get_dynamic_plot_requests(self): return [{'method': 'mean_time', 'settings': {}}]
[docs] def plot(self, ax: plt.Axes, group_number: int, axis_limits: dict): x_lim, y_lim = self.get_limits(axis_limits) data = self.interface.dynamic_data_cache[group_number][self.get_dynamic_plot_requests()[ 0]] time_range = self.interface.group_time_range() color = self.color_scheme.timeline_color( group_number=group_number, **self.time_color_settings) linestyle = self.color_scheme.timeline_linestyle( group_number=group_number, **self.time_style_settings) x_parameter, y_parameter = self.parameters if x_parameter == 'Time': # Time is on the x-axis, draw a vertical line ax.axvline(x=data, color=color, linestyle=linestyle) ax.set_xlim(time_range) elif y_parameter == 'Time': # Time is on the y-axis, draw a horizontal line ax.axhline(y=data, color=color, linestyle=linestyle) ax.set_ylim(time_range) if self.show_x_label: ax.set_xlabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( x_parameter, x_parameter)) if self.show_y_label: ax.set_ylabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( y_parameter, y_parameter))
[docs] @Plotter.plot_type("Static: Node lines") class plot_node_lines(Plot): def __init__(self, interface: Interface, color_scheme: ColorScheme, parameters: tuple[str], scale: Optional[tuple[str] | None] = None, exclude_types: tuple[str] = (), show_x_label: bool = True, show_y_label: bool = True, x_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, y_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, color: dict | None = None, linestyle: str | None = None, ): self.interface: Interface = interface self.parameters = tuple(parameters) self.color_scheme = color_scheme self.scale = tuple(scale or ('Linear', 'Linear')) self.exclude_types: tuple[str] = exclude_types self.show_x_label = show_x_label self.show_y_label = show_y_label self._x_lim = x_lim self._y_lim = y_lim def line_color_to_line_color_settings(line_color) -> dict: if isinstance(line_color, dict): # check if only 'mode' and 'settings' in dict if not all(key in {'mode', 'settings'} for key in line_color.keys()): raise ValueError( 'Line color is incorrectly formatted') return line_color if isinstance(line_color, (str, float)): return {'mode': 'Constant Color', 'settings': {'color': line_color}} else: return {'mode': 'Constant Color'} self.line_color_settings: dict = line_color_to_line_color_settings( color) if self.line_color_settings['mode'] not in self.color_scheme.method_logger['Line Color']['modes']: raise ValueError( f"Line color is incorrectly formatted: Mode {self.line_color_settings['mode']} not in known modes {self.color_scheme.method_logger['Line Color']['modes']}") def line_style_to_line_style_settings(line_style) -> dict: if isinstance(line_style, dict): # check if only 'mode' and 'settings' in dict if not all(key in {'mode', 'settings'} for key in line_style.keys()): raise ValueError( 'Line style is incorrectly formatted') return line_style if isinstance(line_style, (str, float)): return {'mode': 'Constant Style', 'settings': {'style': line_style}} else: return {'mode': 'Constant Style'} self.line_style_settings: dict = line_style_to_line_style_settings( linestyle) if self.line_style_settings['mode'] not in self.color_scheme.method_logger['Line Style']['modes']: raise ValueError( f"Line style is incorrectly formatted: Mode {self.line_style_settings['mode']} not in known modes {self.color_scheme.method_logger['Line Style']['modes']}") self._static_data = None
[docs] def get_track_clusterings_requests(self): return [self.color_scheme.requires_tracking(self.line_style_settings), self.color_scheme.requires_tracking(self.line_color_settings)]
[docs] def get_static_plot_requests(self): parameters = self.parameters + ('Type',) return [{'method': 'calculate_node_values', 'settings': {'parameters': parameters, 'scale': self.scale}}]
[docs] def data(self): if self._static_data is not None: return self._static_data data_list = self.interface.static_data_cache[self.get_static_plot_requests()[ 0]] data = self.transform_data(data_list) mask = ~np.isin(data['Type'], self.exclude_types) flat_mask = np.any(mask, axis=-1) masked_data = {key: value[flat_mask] for key, value in data.items() if key not in ('Time', 'Nodes')} masked_data['Time'] = data['Time'] masked_data['Nodes'] = [node for node, m in zip(data['Nodes'], flat_mask) if m] self._static_data = masked_data return self._static_data
[docs] def plot(self, ax: plt.Axes, group_number: int, axis_limits: dict): x_lim, y_lim = self.get_limits(axis_limits) data = nodes = data['Nodes'] colors = np.array(self.color_scheme.line_color(nodes=nodes, group_number=group_number, **self.line_color_settings)) linestyle = self.color_scheme.line_linestyle( group_number=group_number, **self.line_style_settings) x_parameter, y_parameter = self.parameters if not (x_parameter == 'Time' or y_parameter == 'Time'): raise ValueError('One of the parameters should be Time.') # Determine which axis time is on time_is_x_axis = x_parameter == 'Time' x_values = data[x_parameter] y_values = data[y_parameter] if self.scale[0 if time_is_x_axis else 1] == 'Tanh': x_values = np.tanh(x_values) if self.scale[1 if time_is_x_axis else 0] == 'Tanh': y_values = np.tanh(y_values) # Plotting if Plot.is_single_color(colors): for node_values in y_values: ax.plot(x_values, node_values, color=colors, linestyle=linestyle) else: for node_values, color in zip(y_values, colors): if time_is_x_axis: ax.plot(x_values, node_values, color=color, linestyle=linestyle) else: ax.plot(node_values, x_values, color=color, linestyle=linestyle) # Set limits if x_lim is not None: ax.set_xlim(*x_lim) if y_lim is not None: ax.set_ylim(*y_lim) Plot.tanh_axis_labels(ax=ax, scale=self.scale) if self.show_x_label: ax.set_xlabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( self.parameters[0], self.parameters[0])) if self.show_y_label: ax.set_ylabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( self.parameters[1], self.parameters[1]))
[docs] @Plotter.plot_type("Static: Graph line") class plot_graph_line(Plot): def __init__(self, interface: Interface, color_scheme: ColorScheme, parameters: tuple[str], scale: Optional[tuple[str] | None] = None, show_x_label: bool = True, show_y_label: bool = True, x_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, y_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, function: str = 'Mean', color: dict | None = None, linestyle: str | None = None, ): ''' Graph parameters functions list can be accessed in Group.common_functions.keys() ''' self.interface: Interface = interface self.parameters = tuple(parameters) self.color_scheme = color_scheme self.scale = tuple(scale or ('Linear', 'Linear')) self.show_x_label = show_x_label self.show_y_label = show_y_label self._x_lim = x_lim self._y_lim = y_lim self.function = function self._static_data = None def line_color_to_line_color_settings(line_color) -> dict: if isinstance(line_color, dict): # check if only 'mode' and 'settings' in dict if not all(key in {'mode', 'settings'} for key in line_color.keys()): raise ValueError( 'Line color is incorrectly formatted') return line_color if isinstance(line_color, (str, float)): return {'mode': 'Constant Color', 'settings': {'color': line_color}} else: return {'mode': 'Constant Color'} self.line_color_settings: dict = line_color_to_line_color_settings( color) if self.line_color_settings['mode'] not in self.color_scheme.method_logger['Graph Line Color']['modes']: raise ValueError( f"Line color is incorrectly formatted: Mode {self.line_color_settings['mode']} not in known modes {self.color_scheme.method_logger['Graph Line Color']['modes']}") def line_style_to_line_style_settings(line_style) -> dict: if isinstance(line_style, dict): # check if only 'mode' and 'settings' in dict if not all(key in {'mode', 'settings'} for key in line_style.keys()): raise ValueError( 'Line style is incorrectly formatted') return line_style if isinstance(line_style, (str, float)): return {'mode': 'Constant Style', 'settings': {'style': line_style}} else: return {'mode': 'Constant Style'} self.line_style_settings: dict = line_style_to_line_style_settings( linestyle) if self.line_style_settings['mode'] not in self.color_scheme.method_logger['Line Style']['modes']: raise ValueError( f"Line style is incorrectly formatted: Mode {self.line_style_settings['mode']} not in known modes {self.color_scheme.method_logger['Line Style']['modes']}") self._static_data = None
[docs] def get_track_clusterings_requests(self): return [self.color_scheme.requires_tracking(self.line_style_settings), self.color_scheme.requires_tracking(self.line_color_settings)]
[docs] def get_static_plot_requests(self): return [{'method': 'calculate_function_of_node_values', 'settings': {'parameters': self.parameters, 'scale': self.scale, 'function': self.function}}]
[docs] def data(self): if self._static_data is not None: return self._static_data data = self.interface.static_data_cache[self.get_static_plot_requests()[ 0]] keys = list(data[0].keys()) self._static_data = {key: [] for key in keys} for frame in data: for key in keys: self._static_data[key].append(frame[key]) return self._static_data
[docs] def plot(self, ax: plt.Axes, group_number: int, axis_limits: dict): x_lim, y_lim = self.get_limits(axis_limits) data = colors = np.array(self.color_scheme.graph_line_color( group_number=group_number, **self.line_color_settings)) linestyle = self.color_scheme.line_linestyle( group_number=group_number, **self.line_style_settings) x_parameter, y_parameter = self.parameters x_values = data[x_parameter] y_values = data[y_parameter] if self.scale[0] == 'Tanh': x_values = np.tanh(x_values) if self.scale[1] == 'Tanh': y_values = np.tanh(y_values) ax.plot(x_values, y_values, color=colors, linestyle=linestyle) if x_lim is not None: ax.set_xlim(*x_lim) if y_lim is not None: ax.set_ylim(*y_lim) Plot.tanh_axis_labels(ax=ax, scale=self.scale) if self.show_x_label: ax.set_xlabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( x_parameter, x_parameter)) if self.show_y_label: ax.set_ylabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( y_parameter, y_parameter))
[docs] @Plotter.plot_type("Static: Graph Range") class plot_fill_between(Plot): def __init__(self, interface: Interface, color_scheme: ColorScheme, parameters: tuple[str], functions: Optional[list[str]] = None, scale: Optional[tuple[str] | None] = None, show_x_label: bool = True, show_y_label: bool = True, x_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, y_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, color: dict | None = None): self.interface: Interface = interface self.parameters = tuple(parameters) self.color_scheme = color_scheme self.functions = functions or ('Min', 'Max') self.scale = tuple(scale or ('Linear', 'Linear')) self.show_x_label = show_x_label self.show_y_label = show_y_label self._x_lim = x_lim self._y_lim = y_lim self._static_data = None def line_color_to_line_color_settings(line_color) -> dict: if isinstance(line_color, dict): # check if only 'mode' and 'settings' in dict if not all(key in {'mode', 'settings'} for key in line_color.keys()): raise ValueError( 'Line color is incorrectly formatted') return line_color if isinstance(line_color, (str, float)): return {'mode': 'Constant Color', 'settings': {'color': line_color}} else: return {'mode': 'Constant Color'} self.line_color_settings: dict = line_color_to_line_color_settings( color) if self.line_color_settings['mode'] not in self.color_scheme.method_logger['Graph Line Color']['modes']: raise ValueError( f"Line color is incorrectly formatted: Mode {self.line_color_settings['mode']} not in known modes {self.color_scheme.method_logger['Graph Line Color']['modes']}")
[docs] def get_static_plot_requests(self): return [ {'method': 'calculate_function_of_node_values', 'settings': { 'parameters': self.parameters, 'scale': self.scale, 'function': self.functions[0]}}, {'method': 'calculate_function_of_node_values', 'settings': { 'parameters': self.parameters, 'scale': self.scale, 'function': self.functions[1]}} ]
[docs] def data(self, function_key): data = self.interface.static_data_cache[function_key] keys = list(data[0].keys()) _static_data = {key: [] for key in keys} for frame in data: for key in keys: _static_data[key].append(frame[key]) return _static_data
[docs] def plot(self, ax: plt.Axes, group_number: int, axis_limits: dict): x_lim, y_lim = self.get_limits(axis_limits) request_min, request_max = self.get_static_plot_requests() data_min = data_max = colors = np.array(self.color_scheme.graph_line_color( group_number=group_number, **self.line_color_settings)) x_parameter, y_parameter = self.parameters x_values = data_min[x_parameter] y_values_min = data_min[y_parameter] y_values_max = data_max[y_parameter] if self.scale[0] == 'Tanh': x_values = np.tanh(x_values) if self.scale[1] == 'Tanh': y_values_min = np.tanh(y_values_min) y_values_max = np.tanh(y_values_max) # Fill the area between the min and max curves ax.fill_between(x_values, y_values_min, y_values_max, color=colors) if x_lim is not None: ax.set_xlim(*x_lim) if y_lim is not None: ax.set_ylim(*y_lim) Plot.tanh_axis_labels(ax=ax, scale=self.scale) if self.show_x_label: ax.set_xlabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( x_parameter, x_parameter)) if self.show_y_label: ax.set_ylabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( y_parameter, y_parameter))
[docs] @Plotter.plot_type("Static: Clustering Line") class plot_clustering_line(Plot): def __init__(self, interface: Interface, color_scheme: ColorScheme, parameter: str, clustering_settings: dict = {}, scale: Optional[tuple[str] | None] = None, show_x_label: bool = True, show_y_label: bool = True, x_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, y_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, color: dict | None = None, linestyle: str | None = None, show_legend: bool = True): self.interface: Interface = interface self.parameter = parameter self.parameters = ('Time', parameter) self.color_scheme = color_scheme self.clustering_settings = clustering_settings self.scale = tuple(scale or ('Linear', 'Linear')) self.show_x_label = show_x_label self.show_y_label = show_y_label self._x_lim = x_lim self._y_lim = y_lim self.show_legend = show_legend self._static_data = None def line_color_to_line_color_settings(line_color) -> dict: if isinstance(line_color, dict): # check if only 'mode' and 'settings' in dict if not all(key in {'mode', 'settings'} for key in line_color.keys()): raise ValueError( 'Line color is incorrectly formatted') return line_color if isinstance(line_color, (str, float)): return {'mode': 'Constant Color', 'settings': {'color': line_color}} else: return {'mode': 'Constant Color'} self.line_color_settings: dict = line_color_to_line_color_settings( color) if self.line_color_settings['mode'] not in self.color_scheme.method_logger['Cluster Line Color']['modes']: raise ValueError( f"Line color is incorrectly formatted: Mode {self.line_color_settings['mode']} not in known modes {self.color_scheme.method_logger['Cluster Line Color']['modes']}") def line_style_to_line_style_settings(line_style) -> dict: if isinstance(line_style, dict): # check if only 'mode' and 'settings' in dict if not all(key in {'mode', 'settings'} for key in line_style.keys()): raise ValueError( 'Line style is incorrectly formatted') return line_style if isinstance(line_style, (str, float)): return {'mode': 'Constant Style', 'settings': {'style': line_style}} else: return {'mode': 'Constant Style'} self.line_style_settings: dict = line_style_to_line_style_settings( linestyle) if self.line_style_settings['mode'] not in self.color_scheme.method_logger['Line Style']['modes']: raise ValueError( f"Line style is incorrectly formatted: Mode {self.line_style_settings['mode']} not in known modes {self.color_scheme.method_logger['Line Style']['modes']}")
[docs] def get_track_clusterings_requests(self): return [self.clustering_settings, self.color_scheme.requires_tracking(self.line_color_settings), self.color_scheme.requires_tracking(self.line_style_settings)]
[docs] def get_static_plot_requests(self): return [{'method': 'clustering_graph_values', 'settings': {'parameters': (self.parameter, 'Label', 'Time'), 'scale': self.scale, 'clustering_settings': self.clustering_settings}}]
[docs] def data(self): if self._static_data is not None: return self._static_data data = self.interface.static_data_cache[self.get_static_plot_requests()[ 0]] data = self.transform_data(data, transform_parameter='Label') x_parameter, y_parameter = self.parameters # Transform data to suitable format for plotting x_values = np.array(data[x_parameter]) y_values = np.array(data[y_parameter]) if self.scale[0] == 'Tanh': x_values = np.tanh(x_values) if self.scale[1] == 'Tanh': y_values = np.tanh(y_values) labels = data['Label'] self._static_data = {'x': x_values, 'y': list(y_values), 'labels': labels} return self._static_data
[docs] def plot(self, ax: plt.Axes, group_number: int, axis_limits: dict): x_lim, y_lim = self.get_limits(axis_limits) data = x = data['x'] labels = data['labels'] linestyle = self.color_scheme.line_linestyle( clusters=labels, group_number=group_number, **self.line_style_settings) colors = np.array(self.color_scheme.cluster_line_colors( clusters=labels, group_number=group_number, **self.line_color_settings)) if Plot.is_single_color(colors): for values, label in zip(data['y'], labels): if self.show_legend: ax.plot(x, values, label=label, linestyle=linestyle, color=colors) else: ax.plot(x, values, linestyle=linestyle, color=colors) else: for values, label, color in zip(data['y'], labels, colors): if self.show_legend: ax.plot(x, values, label=label, linestyle=linestyle, color=color) else: ax.plot(x, values, linestyle=linestyle, color=color) if x_lim is not None: ax.set_xlim(*x_lim) if y_lim is not None: ax.set_ylim(*y_lim) Plot.tanh_axis_labels(ax=ax, scale=self.scale) if self.show_x_label: ax.set_xlabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( self.parameters[0], self.parameters[0])) if self.show_y_label: ax.set_ylabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( self.parameters[1], self.parameters[1])) if self.show_legend: ax.legend()
[docs] @Plotter.plot_type("Static: Clustering Range") class plot_fill_between_clustering(Plot): def __init__(self, interface: Interface, color_scheme: ColorScheme, parameter: str, range_parameter: str, clustering_settings: dict = {}, scale: Optional[tuple[str] | None] = None, show_x_label: bool = True, show_y_label: bool = True, x_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, y_lim: Optional[Sequence[float] | None] = None, color: dict | None = None, show_legend: bool = True, alpha: float = 0.3): self.interface: Interface = interface self.parameter = parameter self.parameters = ('Time', 'Parameter') self.color_scheme = color_scheme self.range_parameter = range_parameter self.clustering_settings = clustering_settings self.scale = tuple(scale or ('Linear', 'Linear')) self.show_x_label = show_x_label self.show_y_label = show_y_label self._x_lim = x_lim self._y_lim = y_lim self.show_legend = show_legend self.alpha = alpha self._static_data = None def line_color_to_line_color_settings(line_color) -> dict: if isinstance(line_color, dict): # check if only 'mode' and 'settings' in dict if not all(key in {'mode', 'settings'} for key in line_color.keys()): raise ValueError( 'Line color is incorrectly formatted') return line_color if isinstance(line_color, (str, float)): return {'mode': 'Constant Color', 'settings': {'color': line_color}} else: return {'mode': 'Constant Color'} self.line_color_settings: dict = line_color_to_line_color_settings( color) if self.line_color_settings['mode'] not in self.color_scheme.method_logger['Cluster Line Color']['modes']: raise ValueError( f"Line color is incorrectly formatted: Mode {self.line_color_settings['mode']} not in known modes {self.color_scheme.method_logger['Cluster Line Color']['modes']}")
[docs] def get_track_clusterings_requests(self): return [self.clustering_settings, self.color_scheme.requires_tracking(self.line_color_settings)]
[docs] def get_static_plot_requests(self): return [{'method': 'clustering_graph_values', 'settings': {'parameters': (self.parameter, self.range_parameter, 'Label', 'Time'), 'scale': self.scale, 'clustering_settings': self.clustering_settings}}]
[docs] def data(self): if self._static_data is not None: return self._static_data data = self.interface.static_data_cache[self.get_static_plot_requests()[ 0]] data = self.transform_data(data, transform_parameter='Label') # Transform data to suitable format for plotting x_values = np.array(data['Time']) value = np.array(data[self.parameter]) labels = data['Label'] value_delta = np.array(data[self.range_parameter]) min_value = value-value_delta max_value = value+value_delta if self.scale[1] == 'Tanh': min_value = np.tanh(min_value) value = np.tanh(value) max_value = np.tanh(max_value) self._static_data = {'x': x_values, 'y': list(value), 'y_min': list(min_value), 'y_max': list(max_value), 'labels': labels} return self._static_data
[docs] def plot(self, ax: plt.Axes, group_number: int, axis_limits: dict): x_lim, y_lim = self.get_limits(axis_limits) data = x = data['x'] labels = data['labels'] colors = np.array(self.color_scheme.cluster_line_colors( clusters=labels, group_number=group_number, **self.line_color_settings)) if Plot.is_single_color(colors): for values, values_min, values_max, label in zip(data['y'], data['y_min'], data['y_max'], labels): if self.show_legend: ax.fill_between(x, values_min, values_max, alpha=self.alpha, label=label, color=colors) else: ax.fill_between(x, values_min, values_max, alpha=self.alpha, color=colors) else: for values, values_min, values_max, label, color in zip(data['y'], data['y_min'], data['y_max'], labels, colors): if self.show_legend: ax.fill_between(x, values_min, values_max, alpha=self.alpha, label=label, color=color) else: ax.fill_between(x, values_min, values_max, alpha=self.alpha, color=color) if x_lim is not None: ax.set_xlim(*x_lim) if y_lim is not None: ax.set_ylim(*y_lim) Plot.tanh_axis_labels(ax=ax, scale=self.scale) if self.show_x_label: ax.set_xlabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( self.parameters[0], self.parameters[0])) if self.show_y_label: ax.set_ylabel(Plotter._parameter_dict.get( self.parameters[1], self.parameters[1])) if self.show_legend: ax.legend()