Source code for hari_plotter.lazy_graph

from typing import Any, Callable

from .graph import Graph

[docs] class LazyGraph: """ The `LazyHariGraph` class is a wrapper that lazily initializes and provides access to a `HariGraph` instance, allowing for delayed initialization and dynamic mapping updates. """ def __init__(self, classmethod: Callable[..., Graph], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Initialize a new LazyHariGraph instance. Parameters: classmethod: The class method used to create the HariGraph instance. *args: Positional arguments to pass to the class method. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the class method. """ # The actual HariGraph instance (initialized later) self._hari_graph: Graph = None # The class method used to create the HariGraph instance self._classmethod = classmethod self._args = args # Positional arguments to pass to the class method self._kwargs = kwargs # Keyword arguments to pass to the class method self._mapping = None def _initialize(self) -> None: """ Initializes the internal HariGraph instance if not already initialized. """ if self._hari_graph is None: self._hari_graph = self._classmethod(*self._args, **self._kwargs) if self._mapping and not (self._is_trivial_mapping(self._mapping)): self._hari_graph.merge_clusters(self._mapping)
[docs] def uninitialize(self) -> None: """ Resets the internal HariGraph instance to its uninitialized state. """ self._hari_graph = None
[docs] def reinitialize(self) -> None: """ Reinitializes the internal HariGraph instance, preserving the current mapping. """ self._hari_graph = self._classmethod(*self._args, **self._kwargs) if self._mapping and not (self._is_trivial_mapping(self._mapping)): self._hari_graph.merge_clusters(self._mapping)
@property def is_initialized(self) -> bool: """ Checks whether the internal HariGraph instance has been initialized. Returns: bool: True if the internal HariGraph is initialized, otherwise False. """ return self._hari_graph is not None @property def mapping(self) -> list[list[tuple[int]]]: """ Get the current mapping of the LazyHariGraph. Returns: list[list[tuple[int]]]: The current mapping. """ return self._mapping @mapping.setter def mapping(self, new_mapping: list[list[tuple[int]]]) -> None: """ Sets a new mapping and reinitializes the internal HariGraph instance with this mapping. Parameters: new_mapping: The new mapping to set. """ self._mapping = new_mapping if self.is_initialized: self.reinitialize() def _is_trivial_mapping(self, mapping: list[list[tuple[int]]]) -> bool: """ Checks whether a given mapping is trivial. Parameters: mapping: The mapping to check. Returns: bool: True if the mapping is trivial, otherwise False. """ return all(len(i) == 1 for i in mapping) @property def is_correctly_mapped(self) -> bool: """ Checks whether the graph's mapping matches the real cluster mapping of the internal HariGraph. Mappings are expected to have sorted elements of sorted elements! Returns: bool: True if the mappings match, otherwise False. """ return self._mapping == self._hari_graph.get_cluster_mapping()
[docs] def get_graph(self) -> Graph: """ Get the initialized HariGraph instance. Returns: HariGraph: The initialized HariGraph. """ self._initialize() return self._hari_graph
def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: """ Delegate attribute access to the internal HariGraph instance. Parameters: name: The attribute name. Returns: Any: The value of the requested attribute from the internal HariGraph. """ self._initialize() return getattr(self._hari_graph, name) def __getitem__(self, n: int) -> Any: """ Delegate item access to the internal HariGraph instance. Parameters: n: The index or key. Returns: Any: The item from the internal HariGraph at the specified index or key. """ self._initialize() return self._hari_graph.__getitem__(n) def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return a string representation of the LazyHariGraph. Returns: str: A string representation of the LazyHariGraph. """ if self._hari_graph is not None: return f"<LazyHariGraph with {self._hari_graph.number_of_nodes()} nodes and {self._hari_graph.number_of_edges()} edges>" else: return f"<Uninitialized LazyHariGraph object at {id(self)}>"