Source code for hari_plotter.distributions

import numpy as np

[docs] def generate_mixture_of_gaussians(n_samples, number_of_peaks, opinion_limits=(-1, 1), mean_opinion=0.5, size_of_each_peak=None, seed=None): """ Generates a mixture of Gaussians. :param n_samples: int, number of samples to be drawn. :param number_of_peaks: int, number of peaks or Gaussian components. :param opinion_limits: tuple(float, float), range of the opinions. :param mean_opinion: float, mean opinion. :param size_of_each_peak: List[int], size of each peak. :param seed: int, random seed. :return: np.array, generated opinions. """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) # Calculate the means for each Gaussian component component_means = np.linspace( opinion_limits[0], opinion_limits[1], number_of_peaks) # Normalize the size of each peak to sum to 1 weights = np.array(size_of_each_peak, dtype=float) weights /= weights.sum() # Adjust the component means to ensure the overall mean is mean_opinion delta = mean_opinion -, component_means) component_means += delta # Generate samples from the mixture of Gaussians samples = [] for i in range(number_of_peaks): n = int(weights[i] * n_samples) samples.extend(np.random.normal(component_means[i], 0.1, n)) return np.array(samples)